Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is my time up?

This blog gives me food for thought on a regular basis, however, one extra post she wrote struck a special chord with me. She refers to 'sympathyville'. This is something I have been debating too- when is my time up in sympathyville? Do I ever go back there again cause I do already have a kid, so who cares about those 2 previously failed IUI cycles, with possibly a third one coming up (yup.. in the 2WW as of today), right?? RIGHT??
Do I still get to cry and be sad since I do already have a kid? Does anyone really care? I am fairly confident most of my friends don't think I'm suffering since on a weekly basis (or daily depending on how unfortunate I am that week) I get a picture of a positive PG test. Not sure why I am always the first one to know or be told, but I am. It is as if the universe is conspiring against me to make sure I feel as shitty as possible on a constant basis.