Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pro-Life or Pro-Rights?

A story which is HUGE in my personal world right now comes to me courtesy of the UK; so bear with me if you haven't heard this one. The UK parliament yesterday had a vote to decide whether the abortion limit should be lowered rom 24 weeks to 20 weeks. Let me repeat: 24 weeks to 20 weeks. Wtf??? I am obviously coming from a more pro-life viewpoint (aside from being a modern- orthodox Jew, I am not sure anyone can through fertility issues and not be more to the pro-life fight), however, watching women standing outside for THEIR right to be allowed to abort their baby until 24 weeks was disgusting.
This isn't even about baby's right.. this is about 1) why someone who has made a conscious decision to have sex sans protection would not consider they MAY get pregnant, and 2) why it would take someone 24 weeks to decide they don't want a baby in their life.
I understand (semi) that people can't handle a baby right now, for their own reasons, and I understand some people don't care and will abort- but I feel so strongly that the limit should be 12 weeks. 3 months is definitely long enough for someone to decide, never mind the fact research shows babies born at 24 weeks can survive.
The UK has over 197,000 abortions a year. What country sets out to achieve this statistic? It may also interest you to know that the UK also has the highest number of (single) mothers under 16 in Europe. How embarrassing to a country which purportedly prides itself on propriety.

Furthermore, there is a huge girl gang/ yob culture (yobs are fortunately somewhat unknown in this country, and are mostly drunk soccer hooligan-type who are teenage boys between 10-25 for the most part who vandalize, attack innocent people for 'fun', behave anti- socially.. anyway you get the general impression) which i fully believe is due to all these young single mother/ broken family types.

Why can't people who obviously can't care for their kids put them up for adoption? Or if they must, indeed do an abortion but do it before 12 weeks? What kind of a society are we living in these days???

1 comment:

Mazzy said...

24 weeks?!
How is that not considered murder? If a husband were to kill his pregnant wife at 24 weeks, he'd probably be tried for double homicide in the states.
This makes me sad. I strive to live my life non-judgementally because I feel that you can NEVER know anyone else's pain until you've walked a mile in their shoes, but this is just heart breaking. :(