Friday, February 1, 2008

Family Facts

My S.I.L is pregnant. Again. With her 6th. In fact, I know a realm of people in my city; in other cities spanning both sides of the country; in around 4 continents (Not including Africa or South America cause I don't know ANYONE there!) all pregnant. I don't know why it hurts so much, but it does.
What is it about knowing other people are pregnant that affects my ability to think of everything else? What makes me go into crying fits upon discovering someone else is pregnant whilst I am still struggling to get CD 3 b/w done? As my very closest man friend (thanks E!) is fond of saying 'If someone else very close to you won the lottery wouldn't you be happy for them? Would you still be asking why it wasn't you?'
I think though, that E is missing the point. Not everyone in their lifetime will win the lottery or even any small sum of money. Most people, though, do have kids so it hurts real bad when you don't.
In updated doctors news, this lucky lucky girl will soon be doing an HSG. I am petrified- I have heard so many horror stories that if anyone has a positive one to share, I would be thrilled to hear it.


Denise said...

Sorry to your friend, E, but I don't think his analogy is very on point. There is no age limit on winning the lottery. Winning the lottery is not part of a natural biological process like creating a family is. Most of us don't dream of winning the lottery as little kids. How many kids play "lottery" instead of playing "house?" I know I didn't.

I think this showcases a big difference in how men and women think. I think my DH could probably relate to the lottery analogy.

On the HSG, wish I could provide you with a positive story. All I can say is I was back to normal the next day and it was over. I do know there are people out there for whom the procedure is no big deal. I just wasn't one of them.

Kara said...

Hi there - I know how devastated I was when BFF and sister in law became pregnant a year ago within a month of each other and neither was planned. It's very upsetting and many people just don't get it. Child bearing is a biological process that our body goes through and the emotions that go along with the frustation of not being able to concieve are very different than not winning the lotto.

As far as the HSG goes, I wanted to know every detail and found a video online which I will suggest you NOT watch. Feeling it is one thing, looking at the process is really a different perspective and was just too much information for me. From there I was in a tither about the procedure which made me beyond nervous. Again, I really wish I hadnt watched the video online. My RE was really patient and kind and that is great because I'm a huge Sissy-La-La. It was uncomfortable and kind of reminded me of the discomfort you feel during and after a Pap but my RE and a couple of friends who had it done prior, suggested to take Extra Strength Tylenol so that really helped with the discomfort. I had the procedure completed early on a Friday and took it easy the rest of the weekend, I had no hesitations returning to work the following Monday.

Good luck and keep us posted!