Wednesday, April 2, 2008


It has occurred to me that many of the people in my life know absolutely nothing about fertility or lack there of. Mostly the people who opened their legs and got pregnant. They especially do not know anything about the feelings of an infertile, and in some cases would do well to learn.

A Summation:

My mom: So, when do they let you know if this worked?
Me: On Monday
Mom: No, no darling, they can tell already.. you just do a urine test at the doctors.
Me: Yes, we are past those days, mom, now they do blood work to be more precise.
Mom: Well isn't urine more exact?
Me: Explaining how urine tests measure HCG which won't work for me cause of the trigger.. mom still doesn't get it.

J (my sister): Why does it take so long to find out?
Me: Well, you don't just 'get pregnant'.. there is time sperm and egg travel to meet, fertilization, implantation etc.
J: Well it was 8 days ago!
Me: Yes, and around now would be implantation
J: Well then you should be able to tell by now

My M.I.L
DH: Just to let you know, Marissa (that's me!) is not really handling all this too well. It is especially hard for her that M (the s.i.l) is pregnant with number 6. Please try and be more supportive/ sensitive.
M.I.L: You should be happy she's having another baby and you will have another niece or nephew. Maybe you and Marissa need to get thicker skins (I only wish I was making this up)
DH: See Mom, that just isn't supportive or helpful. This is what I'm talking about.
M.IL.: Why is it so hard? It will happen for you. Just wait it out.
DH: Right, forget I mentioned anything.

My F.I.L (side note: FIL and DH do not get along well at all. Not do FIL and I)
F.I.L: (with 17 y.o SIL in the car): Marissa, I am very concerned about your weight. What if you get so fat you don't realize you are pregnant and go to the bathroom and a baby drops out?
Me: I should be so lucky! Babies don't really happen like that.
F.I.L: Well, I read about a case like that in a magazine this week.
Me: That's why it's in a magazine- it's unusual.
F.I.L: Well, I am just saying.. what if that happens?
Me: I don't think I'm in any danger of that happening... don't worry.
F.I.L: Well, if you are going to be so negative about all this, lets drop the conversation.
Me: Whatever

Unfortunately I cannot claim any of the above was made up or written in jest. However, I am in much better spirits with only 5 days to go til a blood test, and I know I will be (I have to be) ok if this all doesn't go my way.


Mazzy said...

I cannot believe some of this, it makes my blood boil. Some people have no manners or tact or even care for those around them. I am so sorry for what you are having to deal with!
The people that cannot "just get it" are so irritating. Get it or shut up, seriously.

Maria said...

Holy shit. What total and complete rudeness and lack of respect/sensitivity. This makes me want to slap them all silly.

I'm sorry you have to put up with them, but sadly you're not alone. Being infertile and being a minority is very frustrating, especially when so many people choose to be so ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Wow.... that's all I'm

Chin's spring!