Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Willing to life swap?

CD 3 came in with a pop! A popped blood vessel, that is, from a not very gentle nurse.. This wonderful event was then followed by a very rough doctor doing a transvaginal ultrasound- it was so bad, in fact, I was squirming away and she had to tell me to come back down.
The B/W came back with the blessed news that my hormone levels are normal and, had it not been for my 'little bit too thick endometrial lining,' I would not now be $200 more out of pocket as of Thursday when I need to go back on CD 5 for another practice lesson on how to torture (I am not sure what is more torturous: 1) The procedure itself; 2) The fact it is done between 6-7:30 am or 3) The fact I need to go to work afterwards).
My best friend (Google) has proved to me that I can still worry about getting cancer as well as IF ( a relief I know!) because apparently having a too thick endometrial lining can indicate endometrial cancer. Lucky the doctor has reliably informed me (even though she only met me for the first time this morning) that my lining will definitely be thinner by then.
Anyway, enough about my lining.
I have new fish to fry. I am wondering how anyone out there can work full time and do all these treatments, and still have energy to smile.
Are you girls all drinking red bull? Taking illegal drugs? Having the kind of morning sex I only had on my honeymoon? Or is everyone as tired, fed up and close to being ready to throw in the towel (and I'm only just starting!) as I am.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Ick, I'm sorry about the rough nurse and doctor. Don't they realize what that FEELS like?

On the working full time thing, I struggle with it every day. But you somehow find the energy when you need to. Your focus just shifts to whatever is demanding your attention the most at that moment. It is exhausting.