Monday, March 10, 2008

Vicious Cycles

Why is it, I pondered as I lay crying in bed last night for the 16th month in a row, that not only do I have to get my period.. but to add insult to injury it hurts in a physical and emotional way.
What cruel kind of system is it when we are heartbreakingly reminded of our non-pregnant status by a tearing uterine cramp?
My medicine free cycles are now over. I began taking Glucophage last night and whilst I was spared the GI upsets (so far!), the headaches/ hot flushes etc are not be believed. I am currently on Glucophage, prenatal vitamins, Clomid and will soon have a trigger shot.
I also have a co-worker who is due any day and does not stop yapping away about her damn baby. She knows my situation and still it is all we hear about- I cannot help thinking if the situations were reversed I would be far more sensitive.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Totally. It's bad enough that we have to deal with horrible cramps every month. It makes it 10 times worse when it is just a very painful reminder of what we want so badly and are missing.

I've been surrounded by 2 pregnant women at work the last couple of months. One of them is now 2 days past her due date and all anyone could talk about over the last 3 weeks was who was betting on which day she would give birth. They think it's fun.